The Startup J Curve: Six steps to entrepreneurial success by Howard Love
Introduction Howard Love’s The Startup J Curve is a crucial guide for entrepreneurs who want…
From Good to Great: The fundamentals of transforming companies
Jim Collins’ Good to Great reads like both a college textbook and a practical guide.…
Onangizdan so‘rang: mijozlar bilan muloqot qilish va hamma yolg‘on gapirayotgan vaqtda biznes g‘oyangizning to‘g‘riligini aniqlash usullari
Rob Fitzpatrick Tarjima Laylo Xondamirovna 1 bo'lim "Ona testi" Odamlar sizga biznes g‘oyangiz haqida onangizdan…
Zero to One – the art of creating a new world
Peter Thiel’s book Zero to One is one of the most essential guides on entrepreneurship,…
Tony Hsieh: Delivering Happiness – The Story of a Billion-Dollar Online Store
In the world of online retail, Zappos is a name familiar to many. Its success…
Steve Jobs: the life and legacy of a Genius – why you should read this book?
Introduction We have all heard of Steve Jobs, one of the brightest figures in the…
“The One-Page Marketing Plan”: Growing Your Business with Just One Page
In today’s business world, the key to success often lies in simplicity. The One-Page Marketing…
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup introduces a revolutionary approach to entrepreneurship, offering a scientific framework…
“The Latte Factor”: The Big Impact of Small Expenses
Popularized by author David Bach, “The Latte Factor” concept demonstrates how small yet regular expenses…