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Startup Garage: A New Home for Startups Opens in Uzbekistan

On Saturday, July 20, Uzbekistan witnessed the grand opening of “Startup Garage,” a dedicated space for startups and the online platform “Startup Foundation,” founded by Mukhammad Khalil, co-founder of Mohirdev and other projects

Startup Garage is an initiative aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, providing support for startup projects, attracting investments, and creating new jobs in Uzbekistan. Through this project, young and talented entrepreneurs will have access to the necessary resources, knowledge, and skills to successfully implement their projects.

The project aims to support startups, attract investments, and create new jobs. It is supported by major financial institutions like Aloqabank, Ipotekabank, Mohirdev, and the Ministry of Digital Technologies.

Inspired by Stanford University’s program, Startup Garage takes its name from the garages of California where many famous companies, like Hewlett-Packard, began. However, this startup incubator is more than just a garage; it is a comfortable home located in the Karasu district, providing an ideal environment for young entrepreneurs.

Currently, Startup Garage hosts five major startups: Magicbot,,, Ameen Group, and Vamar TMS, all of which generated significant interest during their presentations.

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